Jevic Transportation, Inc.
Our 2,000 clients drove trucks for Jevic across the Eastern United States. On the road one morning, they were told by their family member that a FedEx had arrived terminating them effective immediately. Even the company credit cards for gas had been stopped. So had their healthcare coverage. Under the New Jersey WARN Act, they won a $10 million award, but Jevic, in bankruptcy, convinced the courts it did not need to be paid. Jack and René, with the assistance of the firm WilmerHale LLP, got the case to the U.S Supreme Court. The Court, in a landmark decision, ruled in the driver’s favor–that the WARN Act backpay entitled them priority, preserving the first-in-line status of unpaid wages under the Bankruptcy Code.
Affected employees and anyone seeking the most up-to-date information on this case may follow this link to our WARN practice site.
Our clients were drivers and office staff for a major east coast trucking company. Its sudden shut down eliminated the jobs of union and non-union employees. An arrangement provided them some compensation, but left out were hundreds of part-time workers and drivers on disability leave. Jack and René stepped got them paid their WARN back pay under New Jersey’s generous WARN Act.