Solyndra (Panels)
Our clients built the tubular solar panels for Solyndra, which became a battle cry in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. In a speech, candidate Mitt Romney denounced the Obama administration’s Dept. of Energy funding for the factory that produced the “cylindrical” solar panel. The investment in green energy had seemed sound, but when China increased exports of silicon, allegedly a “dumping,” the cost of flat panels tumbled, causing Solyndra to lose its key price advantage. The Fremont, California company could not pay back the loan, defaulted, slid into bankruptcy, and closed. Jack and René settled the case for several million dollars for the employees.
Other solar cases:
Level Solar (New York) and Sungevity (California)
Affected employees and anyone seeking the most up-to-date information on the Sungevity case may follow this link to our WARN practice site.